AAOS/BOC Meeting Updates
Washington, DC • May 1-4, 2013
By David Romness, MD
The AAOS National Orthopaedic Leadership Conference was in Washington May 1-4, 2013. We were proud to have our own Wilford Gibson, M.D. preside as Chairman of the Board of Counselors. As many of you know, this meeting overlapped the VOS meeting, also held in Washington this year.
National and Regional Issues were Discussed and Capitol Hill Visits Focused on Three Issues:
- Independent Payment Advisory Board (IPAB). AAOS is deeply concerned about the impact that IPAB directed cuts will have on patient access to quality musculoskeletal care. AAOS is also concerned that the IPAB will not be able to focus on long-term delivery system reforms due to imposed yearly spending targets. Proposals to defund the panel will not work to prevent these problems. Unless IPAB is fully repealed, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is still required to make cuts based on spending targets mandated in PPACA. Access to orthopaedic care will be threatened unless IPAB is permanently repealed.
- Integration of Clinical services. There is a threat to the Stark exemption that allows in-office ancillary services that are integral to efficient diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions The AAOS urges congress to: Oppose any change to the in-office ancillary services exception in the Stark Law; Utilize data and quality tools currently being employed by physician organizations to provide incentives for physicians to deliver high quality care.
- Repeal and replace the unsustainable Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) formula. A new payment system that recognizes and allows for the flexibility in medicine is needed. Physicians should have adequate support to provide coordinated care that will improve health, prevent costly complications, and enable physician participation in new payment and delivery model.
We had productive visits on Capitol Hill with mixed support of these issues. All VOS members are encouraged to contact your Senators and Congressmen to support these issues. Further information is available on the AAOS website.

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