VOS Partners with Mag Mutual
By Zach Sinclair
MAG Mutual Insurance Company
Doctor2Doctor® Peer Support Program:
An Ally in Your Corner
More than 20 physicians have already participated in the Doctor2Doctor Peer Support Program — a truly unequaled program to help physicians through the emotional stress of litigation.
Through the peer support program, MagMutual pairs physicians facing a lawsuit with fellow policyholders who have been through the process and can function as empathetic and supportive listeners. Peer supporters understand that a bad outcome or an allegation of a bad outcome does not translate into bad judgment, care or intentions. There is no more personal program out there to support you throughout a lawsuit should you face one. For more information, call 1-800-282-4882 and press 4.
MagMutual Welcomes New VP of Risk Management/Patient Safety
Ann Lambrecht, RN, JD, ARM, FASHRM, joined MagMutual on August 1, 2012. She will develop and manage risk management and safety programs, as well as explore additional programs to improve patient safety and reduce liabilities.
“I am committed to being a trusted, sought-out resource for health care providers to help implement processes and practices that improve patient safety, produce optimal health care outcomes and enhance both patient and provider satisfaction,” Lambrecht says.
Previously, she was Vice President, Risk Services at McNeary, Inc., an insurance brokerage firm and risk management consultancy in Charlotte, managing educational and risk management programs for member hospitals. Ann also was Senior Director of Quality and Risk Management Services at Mount Clemens Regional Medical Center – a 288-bed tertiary care, teaching hospital and trauma center – and Director of Loss Control for Trinity Health, the 10th largest hospital system in the U.S.
MagMutual Positions for Future of Healthcare
with Key Technology Hires
MagMutual is focusing on the future of healthcare with the addition of two senior technology professionals to its management team. The addition of Jamie Sapp as Vice President of Healthcare and Marketing Strategies and Kirby Sims as Vice President of Information Technology enables MagMutual to lead the industry through the adoption and incorporation of new technology throughout all areas of the company.
“New technology is playing a large and increasingly important role in delivering quality services and products to the healthcare industry and its patients. Embracing new technology will enable the company to develop an improved technology platform in line with the future of healthcare. We will also be even better equipped to interact with all policyholders in new and exciting ways,” says Neil Morrell, President and Chief Operating Officer of MagMutual.
Jamie Sapp has joined MagMutual to lead development of new healthcare and physician technology-based solutions that will enable physicians to better manage patient safety and risk within their practices, supporting quality patient care. Sapp has more than 25 years of experience leading technology programs for major brands in healthcare and consumer product organizations. Most recently he served as Chief Information Officer of MedAssets, a supply chain and healthcare revenue cycle management company, where he managed technology strategy.
Sapp has also held IT management positions with Williams-Sonoma, Universal Solutions International and UPS. He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science and Economics from Mercer University.
The company has also welcomed Kirby Sims as Vice President of Information Technology, responsible for operations support and insurance information technology. He brings a wealth of knowledge of the malpractice insurance industry in addition to more than 20 years experience in improving systems’ efficiency and the implementation of integrative and new technology. The efficiencies he will bring greatly benefit the company’s policyholders.
Sims joined MagMutual from the ProAssurance Companies where he was the Director of Information Systems. Kirby has also served as Vice President, Development and Controller at Management Data, Inc. and holds a Master of Business Administration degree and Bachelor of Science from the University of Alabama, Birmingham.
Renew Your Membership Dues
It’s time to renew your VOS membership for 2013. We have recently sent an email with your username and password for you to renew online. We will be sending group bills and individual dues notices in the mail soon if you prefer a hardcopy. Thank you for your continued support of VOS! CLICK HERE to renew your dues.
Group Billing Available for VOS Members
The Virginia Orthopaedic Society (VOS) would like to invite your practice/institution to participate in our Group Billing program. The program was implemented two years ago, and we already have 21 participating practices/institutions:
Advanced Orthopaedic CentersAtlantic Orthopaedic Specialists
Carilion Clinic Orthopaedics
Colonial Orthopaedics
Countryside Orthopaedics, PC
Hess Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine, PLC
Jordan Young Institute
National Sports Medicine Institute
Nirschl Orthopaedic Center
Northern Virginia Orthopaedic Specialists
Orthopaedic Associates, Ltd.
Orthopaedic Center of Central Virginia
Sports Medicine & Orthopaedic Center
Tidewater Orthopaedic Associates
Tuckahoe Orthopaedic Associates
UVA Department of Orthopaedic Surgery
Virginia Institute for Sports Medicine
Virginia Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine
West End Orthopaedic Clinic
Winchester Orthopaedic Associates, Ltd.
This program is a great deal for your group because you receive discounts on membership dues for all eligible physicians, physician assistants, and nurse practitioners in your practice. New members receive a 25% discount on their first year of membership dues, and all current members receive a 10% discount on dues. There is one comprehensive renewal notice for all members in your practice or institution, and only one check for membership dues needs to be issued. There must be at least three eligible physicians, PAs or NPs in your practice.
If a physician leaves the practice and moves out of state, the VOS membership will be transferable to a new physician in the group. Any new members will immediately begin receiving benefits such as the e-newsletter, legislative updates, reduced registration fees at meetings, the online "Find a Doc" feature, and much more.
We will screen the list of physicians in your practice so that any members in your group who have already paid will not have to pay again this cycle. It’s not too late to add your practice to the growing list and save on VOS membership dues! Please contact Greg Leasure, Membership Manager, at (804) 565-6305 or greg@societyhq.com with questions or to enroll in the group billing program.
Thank you for considering membership in the Virginia Orthopaedic Society for the physicians in your practice!
Welcome New Member!
Trevor Owen, MD – Roanoke, VA
Discounted Dues for Military
VOS offers a discount on membership dues for our members currently active in the military. To be eligible for this discount, a member must be an individual in the US Armed Forces engaged in the practice of orthopaedic surgery within any of the military medical installations in Virginia. The 2013 rate of $187.50 applies to new and current members.
Contact Greg Leasure at vosmembership@societyhq.com to arrange for this discount.
Support your PAs and NPs
for VOS Membership
The Virginia Orthopaedic Society is pleased to offer a membership category especially for Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants. The applicant must be sponsored by a current VOS member. Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants dues are $175. For more information and a membership application, please visit the VOS website, www.vos.org.
Online Dues Payment
We are pleased to offer convenient online dues payment through the Society website. You will need your UserName and Password to access this portion of the website. If this is your first time logging in, your UserName is your member number and your password is your last name (in lower case letters). If you need assistance with your log in information, please contact vosmembership@societyhq.com.
Member Benefit! Online Job Bank
Please check it out HERE. Posting an opening is FREE to VOS members (a practice must have at least two-thirds of their doctors as members to qualify). Job postings can be made by non-members for $300 and listings remain on the website for 60 days. Please spread the news of this new service to all of your colleagues.